First Aid for Construction & Quarrying
The construction industry is an inherently dangerous environment in which to work and puts individuals in close proximity to a variety of risk factors including heavy machinery, work at height, hot work, chemicals, electricity, confined spaces, etc.
The health and safety record of the construction industry has improved significantly over recent years and it no longer tops the league table for accidents in the workplace – that accolade now rests firmly with the Agricultural sector (farming, forestry, fishing). Despite this a wide range of incidents may be encountered by the first aider ranging from simple cuts and scrapes to rarer scenarios such as crush injuries, falls from height and hydraulic fluid injection injuries.
Our construction specific courses are tailored to the requirements of the industry and delivered by trainers with construction industry experience.
Designed For
Site Engineers
Machine Operators
Solutions For You
North Pennines Training are able to offer a range of training courses and services that are relevant to the sector:
This is the most popular of our construction specific first aid courses.
It covers the standard EFAW syllabus and can also be tailored to include:
- Dealing with remote sites.
- Serious bleeds (as might be experienced with incidents involving machinery).
- Crush injuries (as a result of vehicle rollover, collapsed bale stacks, etc)
- Hypothermia
- Weils Disease
- Lyme Disease
Duration: 8 hours (including breaks) – usually delivered over 1 day.
Lifespan: 3 years
Requalification: Attendance at another EFAW course.
This is the most comprehensive of our construction specific courses.
It covers the standard FAW syllabus and also includes:
- Dealing with remote sites.
- Serious bleeds (as might be experienced with incidents involving machinery).
- Crush injuries (as a result of vehicle rollover, collapsed bale stacks, etc)
- Hypothermia
- Weils Disease
- Lyme Disease
- Hydraulic Fluid Injection Injuries
Duration: 18 hours – usually delivered over 3 days. (This does not have to be 3 consecutive days)
Lifespan: 3 years from the last day of the course
If the original qualification is still valid or a requalification course can be completed within one calendar month beyond the original qualification expiry date then it is posible to attend a 12 hour (2 day) First Aid at Work Requalification course.
If the original qualification will have expired by more than one calendar month then you must attend the full 18 hour (3 day) First Aid at Work qualification.
The content of this course is exactly the same as the full 18 hour (3 day) first aid at work qualification but it is covered in a shorter 12 hour (2 day) course.
It is only possible to attend this course if it will be completed no more than one calendar month beyond the expiry of the original qualification.
Please check before booking that the current qualification is of the correct type and validity.
The early versions of this course were originally developed for the outdoor activity sector and as such were designed from the outset to cover outdoor specific first aid. The course in its standard content covers the majority of the issues that a first aider in the construction industry may reasonably expect to encounter.
A highly practical course that covers a great deal of topics in 2 days.
Additional topics that may be added for the construction industry include:
- Weil’s Disease
- Hydraulic Fluid Injection Injuries
Duration: 16 hours – usually delivered over 2 days.
Lifespan: 3 years
Requalification: By attending another 16 hour Outdoor First Aid course.
NPT have a highly qualified and experienced team and therefore the possibilities are endless:
- CPR & AED (Defibrillator)
- Catastrophic Bleeding
- Oxygen Administration
- Anaphylaxis and Adrenaline Auto-Injectors (e.g. Epipen)
For those people that may be involved in delivery of first aid in more complex situations and where the access may be difficult then our Advanced First Aid course is an excellent option. This comprehensive course covers a range of skills beyond standard first aid to help ensure a casualty receives an enhanced standard of care even when beyond the reach of a standard emergency service response.
We can work with you to design and deliver the precise training that you require.
The HSE suggested course content for annual refresher training includes:
- Acting safely, promptly and effectively in an emergency.
- Dealing with an unconscious casualty
- Administering CPR
- Dealing with bleeding
- Dealing with shock
These subjects can be amended or added to depending on the risks identified in the workplace.
They can also easily be incorporated into site based training exercises.
A robust emergency plan is an important part of health and safety considerations for the construction sector. Workers could typically be faced with either:
a) A longer wait for the emergency services to arrive on scene when working on remote sites
b) Conducting at least some of the casualty evacuation themselves when working at height or in confined spaces
North Pennines Training can assist with the design and implementation of emergency plans and also conduct training to test (and practice) emergency plans.
Due to the nature of our work we get to play with a lot of kit. We also hear a lot of feedback on our courses about which kit has worked really well and which should be avoided. Based on this knowledge we have selected particular items of kit that we know work well and we can now supply these items to our clients. These include:
- Bespoke AED (defibrillator) kits designed for harsh environments
- Trauma Dressings
- Blizzard Casualty Protection Blankets
- Celox Haemostatic Dressings
Contact us for details.
Satisfied Clients……………
A process of continual improvement combining the the most current thinking in pre-hospital care with feedback collected from every candidate that attends our courses means that our courses are very highly regarded.
North Pennines Training is working hard to promote a much higher degree of first aid training throughout the construction sector.
We have provided training for a range of organisations in the sector including:
Thanks again for providing a very thorough and informative course yesterday. Having done numerous EFAW+F courses over the years this was comfortably the best to date. The feedback I have received from the other attendees was universally positive
Instructor combined knowledge and passion with humour and patience. By far the best training delivery I have received in recent years
Excellent delivery. Great not to just have someone reading what was on the Powerpoint. Best of many, many courses I’ve attended.
The course was excellent, well explained. Alistair has so much knowledge and nothing is a problem. Will recommend him and his company. Cheers.
Having been on 17 first aid courses over the last 40 years this was one of the best.
Best first aid course I’ve attended. Clear instructions and explanations. Thank you.
The most informative course (lots of background and some sound understanding of physiology) that I have attended.
Very informative course that was delivered by someone who understood the specifics of deer stalking and was able to steer the lecture in a direction that kept us all interested. Well done & thank you.
First time that a first aid course has been interesting for the entire day. Well Done.
Your Next Step
Contact us directly if you are interested in a group booking for your company or organisation.
We need a rough idea of when you would like the course, the location and the number of people.
Alternatively have a look at our open course dates to see whats available in your area.
If there is nothing available that suits your requirements – Please Get In touch!
We have many requests for courses and once we know there is sufficient interest in an particular area we will run a course. Alternatively we may be able to find you a place on another group booking.